An Infrared Based Follower Robot for Personal Assistance
Welcome to Buddy Bot!
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Buddy Bot is made to be an accessible assistant that follows the user around to provide necessary support performing day-to-day tasks


Provide assistance for elderly and disabled by transporting heavy objects, with a simple and easy to use interface


Account for human characteristics in a following algorithm that uses data from a variety of sensors


Buddy Bot is simple to use, working directly out of the box with no necessary additional configurations


Buddy Bot uses a variety of peripheral I/O devices in conjunction with the SmartFusion SoC to provide accurate following capabilities.

WiiCam IR Camera

HC SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

L298N H-Bridge

SparkFun Graphic LCD Serial Backpack

IR Emitter Anklet

SmartFusion Soc

Usage and Implementation

Buddy Bot debuted at the EECS 373 showcase at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Below, we show a video we recorded during the testing and development phases of the project.

Our Amazing Team

Amith Lohitsa

Computer Engineering, Class of 2020

Prakash Kumar

Computer Engineering, Class of 2020

Tarun Khubchandani

Computer Engineering, Class of 2020